Please be alert to impersonation fraud. Click here to learn more   

Bea is a director of Brown Advisory Incorporated and serves as chair of the compensation committee. She is chair of the International Advisory Board of Brown Advisory (UK). Bea is chair of Millbank Financial Services Limited and also chair of F&C Investment Trust PLC. Bea is senior independent non-executive director at Telecom Plus PLC. She is chair of Oldfield & Co and is advisor to Macdoch Group and chair of the investment advisory committee and a member of the remuneration & governance committees. Bea is a director of Smedvig AS. Bea has a Supernumerary Fellowship of her alma mater, Pembroke College at Oxford University, where she also serves on the investment committee. Additionally, Bea is chair and a trustee of Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and a member of the investment committee. Bea is a trustee of The Prudence Trust, a member of the finance committee of Salisbury Cathedral, and a member of the finance and audit committees of The National Gallery.

Please be alert to impersonation fraud.

Bad actors are impersonating our colleagues, and people across the financial services industry, on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. We do not solicit business through these means. 

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