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Evan is a research analyst at Brown Advisory. He works with the Investment Solutions Group, which performs manager research and due diligence, makes asset allocation recommendations, and creates and manages specialized partnership funds for individuals, family offices, endowments and foundations. Prior to joining the firm, Evan was an Associate Investment Director at Cambridge Associates where he worked with Endowment and Foundation clients in an OCIO capacity. He holds a BA from Hampden-Sydney College and an MS from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia.


  • University of Virginia, MS
  • Hampden-Sydney College, BA

Community Involvement

  • Volunteer, Citadel Foundation for Kids


  • CFA

Please be alert to impersonation fraud.

Bad actors are impersonating our colleagues, and people across the financial services industry, on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. We do not solicit business through these means. 

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