Please be alert to impersonation fraud. Click here to learn more   

Richard is a partner, a member of the executive team and serves as the head of messaging. The messaging team supports the entirety of the firm’s internal and external content production and distribution efforts, and is responsible for managing the firm’s brand. Richard assumed responsibility for the messaging team in November of 2015. Prior to this role, Richard served as an analyst for the chief executive officer and supported the firm's strategic planning efforts.


  • University of Virginia, MS
  • University of Virginia, BA

Community Involvement

  • Board Member, Parks & People 
  • Board Member, Springboard Community Services
  • Regional Selection Committee Member, University of Virginia Jefferson Scholars Foundation

Please be alert to impersonation fraud.

Bad actors are impersonating our colleagues, and people across the financial services industry, on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. We do not solicit business through these means. 

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