• Thoughtful, Long-Term Investment Solutions.

    We are an independent investment management and strategic advisory firm committed to first-class performance, advice and service.

    Who We Are
  • NOW Podcast: A New World Order: China and the Geopolitical Landscape

    We kicked off our NOW conference in San Francisco with two China experts in conversation about the changing geopolitical landscape and the future of U.S.-China relations--covering topics that included Xi Jinping's vision, the rise of national security over economic interests, multinational business engagement in China, Taiwan, and more.

    Listen NOW
  • Annual Report

    We are pleased to share with you Brown Advisory’s 2023 Annual Report—Independence.

    This year’s theme presents an opportunity to discuss perhaps the most important principle underpinning our ability to put clients first in everything we do. As we mark our 25th anniversary as a private and independent company this June, the report also allows us to reflect on the past and on how our experiences over the years can help us meet our clients’ objectives in the future.

    Read the Report
Our Mission: to make a material and positive impact in the lives of our clients

Our clients deserve first-rate investment performance, thoughtful strategic advice and the highest level of service.

Mike Hankin
President & CEO
Service—to our clients and our communities—is in our DNA.

I believe that a self-interested life would be empty. Service to others makes one a whole person—it benefits communities and also encourages personal growth.

Truman Semans
Senior Advisor