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We focus on building long-term relationships with select professional investors and firms that share our investment philosophy. We are deeply committed to providing them with compelling and reliable investment returns alongside delivery services tailored to their needs.
We provide our strategies in various investment vehicles (separately managed accounts, mutual funds, CITs, UCITS funds and subadvisory) and on various platforms (through broker-dealers, private banks, supermarkets, recordkeepers and TAMPs).
Brown Advisory manages a wide range of investment strategies for some of the largest and most influential institutions in the world, and we have many years of experience delivering those strategies to financial advisors, investment professionals and many of the most respected financial intermediary firms in the industry.
We have managed active investment strategies for more than 20 years. We believe that our actively managed portfolios, based on fundamental, bottom-up research and concentrated on our highest-conviction investment ideas, can produce above-benchmark returns over full market cycles.
We use a consistent, repeatable approach to conduct our research, assess risk versus opportunity and make portfolio decisions. We strongly believe in the power of using human insight to develop great investment ideas, while also leveraging technology as a valuable tool in our efforts to allocate capital and construct portfolio.
We have built a strong track record with our array of equity, fixed income and alternative solutions for institutional investors. We invite you to review the latest portfolio and performance information for each of our strategies.
Brown Advisory is highly focused on investing sustainably—we want to help clients align their investments and values, but we also strongly believe that investing sustainably simply leads to better investment decisions. We are signatories to the UNPRI and the Green Bond Principles, and members of USSIF, Ceres, the Carbon Disclosure Project and the Intentional Endowments Network. We offer several dedicated sustainable investment strategies (Large-Cap Sustainable, Core Sustainable Fixed Income, and Tax-Exempt Sustainable Fixed Income). Sustainable Investing research is broadly integrated in our research process for all of our strategies. We also work with many institutions to implement their specific investment policies and restrictions in the portfolios we manage for them.
Financial advisors and investment professionals rely on us as an experienced and dedicated partner. Our relationship management team is highly experienced, and many of our relationship managers have long tenures at Brown Advisory. They keep the advisors and investors who deploy our solutions abreast of performance results, portfolio activity and the investment team’s latest thinking; they also proactively leverage Brown Advisory’s resources to deliver optimal service whenever and wherever needed
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The information in this section of the website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or investment advice to buy or sell securities.
Some Brown Advisory strategies may meet your needs and objectives more effectively than those referred to in this section of the website. For more information, please contact us directly. For more information on all U.S. strategies, please see the list of strategies on the right column of this page.
The contents of this section of the website have not been prepared for the benefit of investors outside the United States. They are not directed at any person or entity elsewhere, nor are they intended for distribution or to be used by any person or entity outside of the United States. In some countries, the distribution of information in this section of the website may be restricted: it is your responsibility to find out what those restrictions are and to observe them. Brown Advisory cannot be liable for a breach of such restrictions. Non-U.S. investors should consider their local regulations before considering investment.
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