We seek to invest in a concentrated portfolio of proven business models where we have high conviction that the companies can produce a 14% or better earnings per-share growth rate over a full market cycle. We have an investment process and valuation discipline that seek to identify outcomes that are skewed heavily in our favor.
The strategy uses a bottom-up, research intensive process to build a concentrated portfolio of industry-leading growth companies.
Business Models
We believe a concentrated portfolio of growth companies with superior business models has the potential to deliver attractive risk-adjustment returns over time.
The strategy’s performance objective is to outperform the benchmark, the Russell 1000® Growth Index over a full market cycle.
Research Process
Our process is built upon fundamental analysis. We believe that attractive investment results over time are driven by rigorous and disciplined bottom-up fundamental research, as well as a sensitivity to valuation
Portfolio Construction
We create competition for our investors’ capital and fund new ideas from pre-existing names. We often refer to this as “Darwinian Capitalism.”
The Portfolio Manager discusses the portfolio’s performance and positioning for the fourth quarter 2024, as well as his outlook for the strategy.
Disclosures can be found here
2024 - Quarter 3
2024 - Quarter 2
2024 - Quarter 1