Please be alert to impersonation fraud. Click here to learn more   

Randi is a partner and private client relationship advisor at Brown Advisory. She joined the firm in 2015 as a result of the partnership between Brown Advisory and Highmount Capital. Randi joined Highmount in 2013 as a client service manager in the New York office. Prior to Highmount, she worked as vice president of client services at Spruce Private Investors where she worked with high net worth individuals, foundations, and family offices for more than nine years. She also has experience working with institutional clients at Columbus Circle Investors.


  • Sacred Heart University, BS (magna cum laude)

Community Involvement

  • Board Member, Urban Arts

Please be alert to impersonation fraud.

Bad actors are impersonating our colleagues, and people across the financial services industry, on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. We do not solicit business through these means. 

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