Katherine	Ahlgren
Private Client
Katherine Ahlgren
Private Client Relationship Associate
Conner Alberry
Conner Alberry
Private Client Relationship Associate
Steven Borsje
Accounting & Finance
Steven Borsje
Finance Business Partner
Samuel Byrne
Private Client
Samuel Byrne
Portfolio Analyst
Christopher Casey, CFA
Portfolio Management
Christopher Casey, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Colin Chandler
Private Client
Colin Chandler
Associate Portfolio Manager
Drew Charlton
Private Client
Drew Charlton
Portfolio Analyst
Jonathan Chou, CFA
Equity Research
Jonathan Chou, CFA
Industrials Analyst
Chris Keller
Chris Keller
Managing Partner, NextGen Venture Partners
Garritt Conover, CFA, CAIA
Garritt Conover, CFA, CAIA
Portfolio Manager
Christina Davie
Christina Davie
Private Client Relationship Advisor
Gus de Los Reyes
Gus de Los Reyes
Chief Information Security Officer
Katharine Delaney, CFA
Portfolio Management
Katharine Delaney, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Matthew DiCenso
Portfolio Management
Matthew DiCenso
Associate Portfolio Manager
Jack Donahue
Private Client
Jack Donahue
Portfolio Analyst
Grace Donohue
Grace Donohue
Private Client Senior Relationship Associate

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Brown Advisory is a place where diversity, equity and inclusion are celebrated. 
We are committed to maintaining an environment where all colleagues feel empowered, valued, and supported.

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