We believe companies with strong competitive advantages and moats from a fundamental and sustainability perspective, that have reinvestment opportunities at high returns on invested capital (ROIC), capable and rightly incentivized management teams and are undervalued over a long-term investment horizon have the ability to compound returns and generate attractive risk-adjusted excess returns throughout the economic cycle. 


  • Superior Risk Adjusted Returns  

  • Businesses with Strong Competitive Advantages

  • Businesses with Compelling Sustainability Management 


Integrated fundamental and sustainable research, supplemented by investigative research to uncover businesses that we believe posses strong fundamental and sustainable competitive advantages, growth and profitability, and thus have the potential to compound returns over the long term.

What makes a Sustainable International Leader?


Franchise Quality
  • Exceptional business model
  • Attractive reinvestment opportunities
  • Sustainable Business Advantage drivers
Quantitative Measures
  • ROIC meaningfully above cost of capital
  • High incremental ROIC
  • Strong cash flow generation
  • Probability weighted expected return
  • 5+ years investment horizon
  • Absolute cash flow value — not relative value
Management Quality
  • Track record of strong capital allocation
  • Management incentives are aligned

Leveraging Brown Advisory’s Global Equity and Sustainable Investing platforms

chart: consumer stress





The Portfolio Managers discuss the portfolio’s performance and positioning for the fourth quarter 2024, as well as their outlook for the strategy.

Disclosures can be found here