Claudine Baggett, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Human Resources
Claudine Baggett, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Director of Benefits and Compensation; Human Resources Business Partner
Samantha Burnham
Human Resources
Samantha Burnham
Human Resources Business Partner
Leona Byrnes
Leona Byrnes
Director of Human Resources
Mia Contreras
Human Resources
Mia Contreras
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Recruiting and Learning and Development
Kelly Harrison
Human Resources
Kelly Harrison
Senior Recruiter
Katie Holl
Human Resources
Katie Holl
Ashtyn Oakley
Human Resources
Ashtyn Oakley
Workday HRIS Manager
Emily Settle
Human Resources
Emily Settle
Talent Acquisition Coordinator
Tricia Willertz
Human Resources
Tricia Willertz
HR Manager

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Brown Advisory is a place where diversity, equity and inclusion are celebrated. 
We are committed to maintaining an environment where all colleagues feel empowered, valued, and supported.

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